Teachers and their support assistants are continually assessing their pupils’ progress and this information is used to identify gaps in their knowledge and understanding and to plan the next steps in their learning.  Once the children have met the Early Learning Goals they are assessed against national expectations for reading (through the Phonics Screening Check) and their progress within the National Curriculum. 

The phonics screening check takes place towards the end of Year 1 and assesses whether or not a child has developed the skills required to independently sound-out words by segmenting the different graphemes (represented by individual letters or groups of letters) and blending the sounds (or phonemes) back together again to read complete words.

The school has developed its own age-related expectations to measure progress within the National Curriculum.  These  are used as part of regualr assessment to gauge a child’s knowledge and understanding in reading, writing mathematics and science from Year 1 onwards.

Pupils' attainment is also assessed in the Key Stage 1 Assessments at the end of Year 2 and the KS2 National Tests at end of Year 6 ( both sometimes known as the SATs).

Moving Up to Secondary School - September 2024

Please find here a comprehensive guide on the Secondary School Application Process and the Secondary Transfer Test.