

In order to maximise their learning and development, it is important that children attend school every day.  Our target is for all pupils to achieve between at least 96% and 100% attendance.  The school monitors attendance closely and, should attendance fall significantly below this level, action is swift to contact parents to make clear our expectations and to outline the next steps in the process. 

However, in the event that your child is unwell, please contact the school on the day of absence by telephone, email or in person. If your child is ill or has an accident at school, we will telephone your emergency contact number if your child needs to go home or if he/she needs urgent medical attention. To avoid the spread of infection, the Department of Health recommends that children should be kept away from school for 48 hours following sickness and/or diarrhoea.  We are always happy to discuss arrangements for a child's return to school with parents on a case-by-case basis. 

There are 13 weeks of school holiday each year and parents are expected to take family holidays in this time.  This means that no holiday leave will be authorised.  Applications for special leave will only be approved in truly exceptional circumstances and where prior attendance has been good.  Such applications should be made using the leave of absence request form available below or via either the Secondary or Primary reception.  Approval is at the discretion of the Principal/Primary headteacher.

Where attendance is unacceptably low, we offer support to help parents improve their child’s attendance which may involve referral to other agencies and, where necessary, make use of the relevant legal powers.

Having a good education will help to give your child the best possible start in life. If your child is absent for any period, he/she may miss essential elements of their learning programme.

In order to continue to improve our achievement and attendance, it has been decided that there will now be no authorisation of holidays taken during term time at The Aylesbury Vale Academy including The Aylesbury Vale Academy Primary.