

» Primary School Meals Provision
» Menus
» Celebration Menus
» Booking Hot Meals
» Free School Meals
» Packed Lunch


School meals are catered for by Harrison Catering Service, a long-established catering company who specialise in preparing delicious and nutritious food for young people. 

MENUS 2024-2025

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Celebration Menus AUTUMN 2024-2025

Booking Hot Meals

The hot lunches for all Primary pupils are available to book via the School Gateway

  • There is a two-day lead time (this does not include weekends or bank holidays); so for example bookings for Monday must be completed by Wednesday.
  • Our kitchen only prepares food for confirmed orders. All meals are freshly prepared.
  • If you do not book a meal for your child please provide them with a packed lunch.
  • Refunds or late additions will not be made to any bookings.
  • Any child without a booking or a packed lunch, a parent will be called to provide a packed lunch for that day. 

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are all entitled to a universal free school meal. Although these do not need to be paid for you are still required to book a lunch for your child via the School Gateway.

All children who are in 3-6 will be charged.

For further information on the School Gateway, please click here.

Please can you ensure that any questions or issues are emailed through to the address, please do not reply to the School Gateway emails, the mailbox is currently unmanned. 

Free School Meals

Universal Free School Meals (UIFSM)

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are all entitled to a universal free school meal. Parents are required to make meals selections via the School Gateway.

Free School Meals (Year 3 and above)

Parents/carers in receipt of various benefits may be entitled to Free School Meals because of their family circumstances. We would request that all parents who think they may be eligible, contact the school office and complete the application form below, even if their child will not be taking school meals; as a successful free school meals application will also mean that the school will receive Pupil Premium funding which can then be used to improve provision in class and to support learning in other ways.  Requests for free school meals/pupil premium are treated confidentially and dealt with discretely and sensitively.  

Packed Lunch

Parents who prefer their child to bring a packed lunch to school, are requested to ensure that food is brought in a sturdy container and that drinks are in a secure, unbreakable flask.  Containers should be clearly named!  All packed lunches should contain a sandwich or suitable alternative and fruit and should not include sweets or fizzy drinks.  For further advice on packed lunches please consult your child’s class teacher or learning support assistant.