

» The Business Studies Team
» Curriculum Intent
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The Business Studies TeaM

Curriculum Leader

Mrs P Marina -

Teachers of Business

  • Mr E Constantine-Cort
  • Mr D Small

Curriculum intent


In the Business Studies Curriculum Area the cognition curriculum is highlighted on the Mid-Term Plans. Through year 7 – 13 learners have the opportunity to work in pairs and teams to encourage reciprocation. As an example, year 12 learners conduct mock interviews on each other and give feedback.

Resilience is taught through the use of a “Learning Pit” attached to SIR marking and the growth mindset selection. Learners also select their own attitude to learning after each lesson. Learners reflect on their progress and self assess their progress at the beginning and end of each lesson.

Recall is taught during each lesson, as there is an opportunity for learners to think about the previous lesson. Learners through year 9 – 13 develop their resourcefulness as the nature of the NCFE and Btec courses are course work driven and require a lot of research and learners develop good research skills.

All learners through year 9 – 13 have careers linked into lessons as part of good careers provision and giving learners an understanding of what they can become using the cognition curriculum.


The Culture Curriculum is highlighted at several points in the Mid-Term Plans. Topics are enriched through visits, in year 10 our learners go to Thorpe Park to learn about the marketing in a Theme-Park. In year 12 and 13 learners visit the Canary Wharf as the economical hub of London and in year 9 and 10 we have visitors that are Entrepreneurs talking about their personal journey’s. We run the Young Enterprise programme in year 12 that allow learners to compete against different schools as Entrepreneurs showcasing their skills, resilience and collective worship and develops character.

All culture capital trips and visits have a careers element linked to them, as we look at the types of careers and provide labour market information for each career.


In year 9 we design our own curriculum based on GCSE’s from different exam boards but mainly focus on the Edexcel GCSE year plan. This is to prepare learners and give them a foundation of what Business studies is, toward the end of year 9 in the Summer term we start with the NCFE Level 1 and Level 2 Technical Award in Business and Enterprise. We offer the Btec Level 3 Extended National Certificate in Business equivalent to 1 A Level and the Btec Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Business equivalent to 3 A Levels

The core curriculum supports careers and the development of a career path. The topics selected in year 12 and 8 include the recruitment and selection process and the Team development unit as well as the work experience unit

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