

Year 9 Information 2024/2025

» Contact Details
» Year 9 Team
» Introduction
» Year 9 Form Tutors

Contact Details


Tel: 01296 255397


Mr M Lobb:

Year 9 Team

Assistant Achievement Director

Mr M Braybrook:

Year 9 Pastoral Support 


Year 9 Introduction

The year group has started their GCSE subjects, they are undertaking a variety of subjects, which include:

  • Art & Craft Design (GCSE Full course)
  • Computing (GCSE Full course)
  • Core Booster
  • Design Tec (GCSE Full course)
  • Engineering (BTEC TECH Award)
  • Enterprise (BTEC TECH Award)
  • Fine Art (GCSE Full course)
  • French (GCSE Full course)
  • GCSE Drama (GCSE Full course)
  • Geography (GCSE Full course)
  • Health & Social (BTEC TECH Award)
  • Health and Fitness
  • History (GCSE Full course)
  • Hospitality and Catering (BTEC TECH Award)
  • ICT (Cambridge Nationals Certificate)
  • Media Studies (GCSE Full course)
  • Music BTEC (BTEC TECH Award)
  • Music GCSE (GCSE Full course)
  • PE GCSE (GCSE Full course)
  • Religious Studies (GCSE Full course)
  • Science Triple (GCSE Full course)
  • Spanish (GCSE Full course)

The students also undertake, core lesson in PSHE, RS and PE.

Each week, tutor groups compete to be crowned Tutor Group of the Week, this is based on achievement points, behaviour points and attendance.

Star of the Week is a weekly competition, where the form tutor awards a student from their tutor group for displaying the academy values.

Each half term, a celebration assembly takes place for the year group where they are awarded certificates for a variety of categories, these are:

  • Aspiration
  • Respect
  • Resilience
  • Form tutor awards
  • Achievement Director Award

Year 9 Form Tutors

  • 9 Faraday 1 - Miss S Makoni
  • 9 Faraday 2 - Miss S James
  • 9 Faraday 3 - Mrs S Findley-Jonas
  • 9 Franklin 1 - Mr T Aderibigbe
  • 9 Franklin 2 - Mr J Turnham
  • 9 Franklin 3 - Mrs A Smyth and Miss P Mendez
  • 9 Nobel 1 - Mr M Morris
  • 9 Nobel 2 - Mrs F Aje
  • 9 Nobel 3 - Miss S Boente Varela