
Early Closure - Tuesday 1st October 2024

The Aylesbury Vale Academy is holding its annual Open Evening for current Year 6 students on Tuesday 01 October 2024. 

In order to make the necessary preparations for the evening, school will finish at the following times:

👉 Reception - 1:00pm
👉 Years 1 & 2 - 1:10pm
👉 Years 3 & 4 - 1:20pm
👉 Years 5 & 6 - 1:20pm (collection from the front of the Primary Phase)
👉 Years 7 to 13 - 1:25pm

Pre-School will be closed to all children on Tuesday 01 October.

Students in the Primary Phase will have lunch at school as usual. Students in the Secondary Phase who are entitled to Free School Meals will be able to collect a packed lunch from the Atrium up until 1.45pm.

Some students have volunteered to support as tour guides at the Open Evening and they will be bringing home separate permission slips so they can attend.