

AVA Primary Wrap around care provides a professional and nurturing environment for school age children, Reception to Year 6, with their known key workers and other school support staff. Our spacious setting is ideal for the children to enjoy a range of activities including adult and child led. Our activities include games, dancing, computing, sport, simple baking, arts and crafts and much more! 

Breakfast club from 7:40am until 8:30am

Breakfast club doors open at 7:40am and close when the school gate opens at 8:30am. We provide a healthy breakfast until 8:10am for those that attend breakfast club, consisting of a variety of cereals, toast with various spreads and drink options. 

After school clubs

We offer two after school childcare options to suit parental need running alongside each other. One runs until 4:30pm, where we provide the children with a healthy snack and drink alongside their activities. The other runs until 6pm, where we provide a light tea consisting of either sandwiches, crackers, toast, pasta and other light options along with vegetables, fruits and drink. 

We do allow flexible pickups from the after-school club and can accommodate bookings for sessions up until the night before the session is required.