

Sixth Form Curriculum

The AVA Sixth Form offers a wide range of subjects and we pride ourselves on preparing students well for their life after AVA. Our academic curriculum is structured around a core of respected academic A-Levels and Applied General qualifications (Single award and Triple award BTEC qualifications). Student study programmes are designed to enable maximum progress, with three different pathways available: offering Applied General only, a combination of Applied General and A Level or only A level study.

Learning at this level involves greater contribution from the students, with smaller teaching groups allowing full participation in discussions about the topics being studied. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own work within a secure scaffolding of support, guidance and encouragement.

During their Independent Study Periods, students work in the ‘Sixth Form Study Area’, or teaching areas, as well as having access to the Library. The Year 12 Induction Programme further prepares students with the study skills required for the next stage of their learning.

Our Facilities

We offer a warm, vibrant and friendly environment at our Sixth Form and work relentlessly to support and guide students in their academic and personal development. Study takes place in a modern learning environment and the students benefit from having modern state-of-the-art classrooms and a study area for their exclusive use. We ensure that every student is issued a laptop for their independent work. We also have a gym which is available for the Sixth Form students’ use. Our Sixth form students have a separate eating area in a canteen available to them.


To prepare our students for life beyond Sixth Form we have an excellent careers programme where students explore the wide variety of university degrees, apprenticeships and opportunities that are available to them. Students use online platforms such as Unifrog to enable them with to explore, research and understand how they can achieve their individual goals.  Each student is given bespoke support with their applications to ensure they make the best choices for their future.

We also have a monthly newsletter that promotes a wide range of work experience opportunities and virtual talks for pupils to engage with young professionals from a range of contexts. This, combined with our Sixth Form pastoral team and tutors, helps guide our students through their career development.

Beyond the Classroom

All Sixth Form students are also strongly encouraged to get involved and express themselves in a variety of new and exciting ways. For example, our weekly Inspiration Programme in Year 12 prepares our students for work life by providing hands-on practical experiences with real world organisations. Throughout the year, students learn about work, life, arts and culture, police and criminal justice, community and environment as well as personal health and wellbeing. They acquire specific skills for CV writing and the career options available to them. We provide relevant work experience opportunities through our excellent links with employers to extend their learning beyond the taught curriculum.

In addition, we take pride in our ongoing success with the Young Enterprise initiative. Our pupils have consistently received awards and recognition in a wide range of categories locally and nationally. For example, last year the YE team were awarded a business contract from a local housing developer for their recycled home product. Furthermore, the team were awarded the second place for The Company of the Year Award at county level.

The Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) is a non-qualification based activity that has been introduced to our Sixth form enrichment programme. This programme provides students with excellent opportunities to develop their interpersonal and collaborative skills and gain experiences to aid them in their future careers. It enables young people to make friends, appreciate teamwork, have fun, improve their self-esteem, and improve communication leading to enhanced university applications, CVs and job applications.  

Building on their cultural capital, all subject areas organise relevant educational trips and workshops to extend the pupils awareness and learning. For example, the Health and Social Care students visited a local care home to develop an understanding of how person-centred care is delivered. Furthermore, students are encouraged to join the Student Parliament, become a mentor to younger students and become ambassadors at events run by the Academy.

All of these opportunities allow our students to develop the outstanding communication and leadership skills needed to successfully tackle the demands of further education, employment and life in the modern world.