PE Uniform
- Navy sports polo with Aylesbury Vale Academy logo
- AVA or plain navy tracksuit bottoms/navy shorts/navy skorts
- AVA or plain navy rain jacket/jumper/fleece
- Suitable trainers
Please note that leggings on their own, hoodies and coats are not to be worn during any PE lessons

gcsE/btec - PE Uniform
The following optional items can be purchased by Year 9-11 Health and Fitness, GCSE PE and BTEC sport students only. The t-shirts can be worn to all Core PE and practical lessons associated with their GCSE/A-LEVEL qualification.
Go to PL Schoolwear for prices and to order.
- Blue: Year 9-11 GCSE PE students only
- Red: Year 9-11 Health and Fitness students only
- Green: Year 12-13 BTEC Sport students only
Kit Reminder
We will be continuing to provide two hours of PE during curriculum time for all Key Stage 3 students, with Key stage 4 & 5 receiving at least 1 hour of core PE. We stress that all pupils should be wearing the correct PE kit when participating in lessons and after school clubs. Below is a reminder of those expectations:
- Navy sports polo with Aylesbury Vale Academy logo.
- AVA navy tracksuit bottoms.
- AVA navy shorts.
- Suitable trainers.
- AVA rain jacket/jumper.
*Leggings and hoodies are not to be worn during any PE lessons.