

The Aylesbury Vale Academy is a Church of England Academy sponsored by the Diocese of Oxford with a strong sense of purpose and achievement based upon faith, respect, equality, aspiration, creativity and service.


Here are some of the comments made by Ofsted, students currently at AVA and prospective parents.


Pupils of all ages enjoy their time at school here.

Ofsted 2024

Pupils are polite and courteous, in line with the school’s values.

Ofsted 2024

Pupils’ conduct supports the learning ethos of the school

Ofsted 2024

At every stage, pupils know that staff will listen and help them.

Ofsted 2024

The school is ambitious for every pupil to learn and achieve.

Ofsted 2024

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from effective support to help them learn.

Ofsted 2024

The school provides engaging and exciting experiences.

Ofsted 2024

Leaders have designed a curriculum that builds pupils’ knowledge from early years through to sixth form.

Ofsted 2024

For pupils at the early stage of learning to read, teaching of phonics is precise and effective. Weaker readers at every stage benefit from targeted input that helps them to become more fluent.

Ofsted 2024

Pupils achieve well and perform well in national tests and examinations.

Ofsted 2024

The school’s careers education helps pupils to feel well-informed about their next steps. This provision contributes strongly to the culture of ambition within the school.

Ofsted 2024

Everyone within the school is committed to achieving success for pupils.

Ofsted 2024

Parent Testimonials:

We believe that Aylesbury Vale Academy will create an achievement climate where our daughter can be an active participant in their learning and have opportunities to flourish. We believe that AVA is an outstanding school where our daughter can hone her ability and potential. AVA will help our daughter to be disciplined, organised, meet deadlines and work towards her targets. We strongly believe that our daughter will be equipped for life in a demanding and a fast-changing world. We believe that AVA is equipped with dedicated and extremely hard-working teachers ensuring that students gain excellent exam results at all levels.

Prospective Year 7 Parent

My son was blown away with the science department. Of all the schools visited, it was the only school, which made my dyspraxic son, go, 'Wahoo!' In his mission to become a marine biologist, I believe that the AVA is the best place for my only son. The staff were fantastic and my son was completely engaged.  The Christian ethos in the school is important to us.

Prospective Year 7 Parent

I've just returned home from an evening at the Waterside theatre, where I went to watch my daughter alongside other AVA students perform in tonight's Energize concert. I wanted to send an email to you to simply say WOW! What a brilliant way to open a show. The talent oozed out of the students and I certainly felt proud that we were part of the Academy showcasing themselves in front of the town. Keep up the hard work, AVA is definitely on the up and you will always have my support.

Prospective Year 7 Parent

Student Testimonials:

My favourite thing about lessons in AVA is that the teachers try to help you as much as possible.

My favourite things about the lessons is that they are fun and interesting and a good learning environment for me to develop my skills.

I like the way the lessons are planned; it helps me to learn and progress in the subject we are studying. The teachers are understanding and obviously care for our education and that is something I am truly grateful for.

At AVA the lessons are helpful and help me build a good foundation for the future .The teachers are caring and nice and I love being in classes with my friends so we can learn together.

The things I like about AVA is that if there is a problem there is always a teacher that you can go to.  When I was bullied teachers sorted it out straight away.