

In Year/casual Admissions from September 2024 to July 2025

The Application portal is now OPEN.

» Admission Portal
» Continued Interest List
» Admissions Policy

This section is for parents seeking a place for a child in Year 7 (outside of the normal admission round) to Year 11.

Admission Portal

The admission authority for Aylesbury Vale Academy is its Governing Body. Applications for casual/in-year admissions must be made directly to the Academy via our Admissions Portal here; click on 'Start Application' (screen shot below).

Continued Interest List

We are currently oversubscribed in all years. If you decide to submit an application and we are unable to offer a school place, your child’s name will be added to the relevant Continued Interest List. Each added child will require the list to be ranked again in accordance with the Academy’s published over-subscription criteria. If a place becomes available, we will refer to the Continued Interest List and make an offer to the child whose application ranks the highest. A copy of our Admissions Policy can be found here (or below).

The Continued Interest List is maintained until the end of the academic year. If, after this date, you are still interest in a school place at Aylesbury Vale Academy, you should make a new application for the following academic year.

For further details please contact our Admissions Officer via

Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy 2026-2027

Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Admissions Policy 2024-2025