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Transition days - 1st & 2nd July 2025
Scheduled transition days, are set for Tuesday, July 1st, and Wednesday, July 2nd.
Online Admission Form (portal)
In order to ensure a smooth transition and to enable us to gather important, up-to-date, information before your child joins us, we are requesting parent/carers complete our admission and consent forms online, here - www.theacademy.applicaa/year7
All prospective parent/carers will be emailed login credentials in due course.
The online portal contains all the information required before your child starts in September. Some key information can also be found below:
Key Information
- Welcome letter from the Principal HERE
- Instrument Tuition at AVA (website/online form HERE)
- Uniform -
Key Dates
- Saturday 31st May 2025 - Summer School registration deadline (register via portal)
- Sunday 15th June 2025 - Admissions Form submission deadline
- Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd July 2025 - Transition Days
- Tuesday 1st July 2025 - Transition Evening
- Saturday 21st June (10am - 1pm) 2025 - Uniform Fitting Day (see below)
- Monday 28th July - Friday 1st August 2025 - Summer School (LIMITED SPACES).
Frequently asked questions
We asked our current year 7 students to think of some questions they wanted an answer to before joining AVA…
1. How will I ever find my way around such a big school?!
It is quite scary at first when you see such a big building and are expected to find your way around. Just remember that everyone else in the school experienced this challenge when they first joined the Aylesbury Vale Academy and you can ask and teacher or student how to get somewhere.
Top tip: The classrooms on each floor are in one big square so you can keep going around until you find your classroom!
2. What happens if I am late to lessons?
In September, we know that you won’t know your way round and if you are a bit late your teachers will understand. After a couple of weeks, however, we will expect you to be on time for lessons in the same way as the older year groups.
Top tip: Stick with someone else in your class between lessons and arrange a meeting place at the end of break and lunch so that you find your way together.
3. Are the older students nice?
Obviously the older students may seem a lot bigger than you, but they will always be willing to help you out. Remember they were once in year 7 too!
Top tip: Look for the students with stripy ties. They are our prefects and are always looking out for year 7 students who need help.
4. Will I make new friends?
Of course you will make new friends! If you are the only student from a primary school coming here, we will make sure you have a chance to meet new people in the same situation as you.
Top tip: Always be yourself! You don’t need to impress anyone to make new friends. If you stay true to yourself, you will naturally meet people who you will click with.
5. How will I learn all of my teachers’ names?
The names of all of your teachers will be on your timetable. It may take a while to remember so many names after only having one or two teachers, but you’ll
Top tip: Once you have your timetable, get someone at home to test your memory! Try to remember as many of your teachers’ names as you can and ask someone in your family to test you.
What do our current year 7 students say?
“Before I was really scared and worried that I would get lost or do something wrong but now I'm confident and love going to school every day. I feel happy and excited of what is to come in the future.”
“It’s not as hard as I thought, moving up. Do not be afraid to ask people to help you find your way around.”
“I wish I knew before I came here that it was going to be so easy to settle in a whole new school only knowing a few people. I shouldn't have been scared of being on my own as I wasn't the only one going through this new experience.”
“I felt nervous on my first day but now I love this school. I thought I would get lost or be picked on! I only wanted to walk round with my friends from primary but I soon made new friends! I enjoy school, but I will always have a part of my primary school with me!”
contact us
If you have any help or support regarding the admission or transition process, please email